Configuring MongoMapper Indexes in Rails App

Not quite sure where the best place is to define MongoDB indexes via MongoMapper in a Rails app… My progression has been:

  1. as part of the key definition in the model class
  2. in a rails initializer
  3. hybrid between initializer and model
  4. rake task invoking model methods

Define Indexes on the Keys

This works fine during development.

class Account
  include MongoMapper::Document
  # Attributes ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
  key :login, String, :unique => true, :index => true
  key :msid, String, :index => true
  key :doctor_num, String, :index => true

Define Indexes in an Initializer

When I wanted to trigger a new index creation, I would add it here. Only problem is that restarting a production server with tons of data gets held up by the create index task.

# Rails.root/config/initializers/mongo_config.rb

Define Indexes in a Class Method, Invoke in Initializer

A small tweak to putting indexes into an initializer was to place the knowledge of the indexes back into the model classes themselves. Then, all you needed to do was invoke the model class method to create it’s own indexes.

The Initializer Code

# Rails.root/config/initializers/mongo_config.rb

The Model(s) Code

class Setting
  include MongoMapper::Document
  # Attributes ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
  # What the user sees as a label
  key :label, String
  # How we reference it in code
  key :identifier, String, :required => true
  # Indexes :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
  def self.create_indexes
    self.ensure_index(:identifier, :unique => true)
    self.ensure_index(:label, :unique => true)

Enter the Rake!

Of course, you could also invoke the index creation code in a rake task, as pointed out here.

The beauty behind a rake task as best I can tell is this:

  • You can run it at any time to update the indexes
  • You do not bring a deploy to a screeching halt because you are waiting for index creation

I was already standardizing on how I was creating indexes inside each model class — where better to keep on top of what the indexes for a class should be than in the class itself!

# app/models/setting.rb
class Setting
  def self.create_indexes
    self.ensure_index(:identifier, :unique => true)
    self.ensure_index(:label, :unique => true)

I created a new class in the model directory (so that it is close to where the models are defined) that simply loops through each model class to generate the proper indexes:

# app/models/create_indexes.rb
class CreateIndexes
  def self.all
    puts "*"*15 + " GENERATING INDEXES" + "*"*15
    MongoMapper.database.collection_names.each do |coll|
      # Avoid "system.indexes"
      next if coll.index(".")

      model = coll.singularize.camelize.constantize
      model.create_indexes if model.respond_to?(:create_indexes)
      model.show_indexes if model.respond_to?(:show_indexes)

You can invoke it easily from the Rails console: CreateIndexes.all

Next I created a rake task (in lib/tasks/indexes.rake) that invoked the ruby code to do the indexing mojo.

namespace :db do
  namespace :mongo do
    desc "Create mongo_mapper indexes"
    task :index => :environment do

Any tips/comments/insights appreciated…

PS: self.show_indexes Mix-in

I created a mix-in for the “show_indexes()” class method for each model. I could not add it directly to the MongoMapper::Document class unfortunately — I ran into errors and finally gave up. Here’s the mix-in that I defined in lib/mongo_utils.rb:

module MongoMapper
  module IndexUtils
    puts "Customizing #{self.inspect}"
    module ClassMethods
      def show_indexes
        puts "%s #{} INDEXES %s" % ["*"*12, "*"*12]
        self.collection.index_information.collect do |index|
          puts "    #{index[0]}#{index[1].has_key?("unique") ? " (unique)":"x"}"
    def self.included(base)
      #puts "#{base} is being extended'"

And you use it as follows:

require 'mongo_mapper'
require 'mongo_utils'
class Setting
  include MongoMapper::Document
  include MongoMapper::IndexUtils

1 thought on “Configuring MongoMapper Indexes in Rails App

  1. Pingback: MongoDB Index Performance » Technical Debt

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