Installing Basics

Install git

You will need a username so we can add you to the Github repo (for private repos).

Development Environment

Choose your weapon of choice:

  • IntelliJ/RubyMine
  • NetBeans (supposed to have good ruby support)
  • TextMate
  • vim
  • Sublime

Install RVM


New Project

Please refer to “Rails Project Quick Start

Setup for an Existing Project

First create an outer “container” for your project code folder(s):

cd ~/railsprojects
mkdir myproject
cd myproject

Grab the source code from the repo

git clone <URL from Github>

It should have a .rvmrc file that will work some magic when you cd into the directory:

You will be prompted to allow the RVM file to execute… Something like this:

$ cd myproject/

  = NOTICE:                                                     =
  = RVM has encountered a new or modified .rvmrc file in the    =
  = Press 'q' to exit the reader when finished reading the file =

  (press enter to review the .rvmrc file)

rvm --create ruby-1.9.2@myproject

  = Trusting an .rvmrc file means that whenever you cd into this =
  = directory, RVM will run this .rvmrc script in your shell.    =
  = Now that you have examined the contents of the file, do you  =
  = wish to trust this particular .rvmrc?                        =

  (yes or no) > yes
ruby-1.9.2-p180@myproject[development]$ jon$

You might need to install the proper ruby: RVM Details

Install Bundler (to test v2, this is the only gem you should really need)

gem install bundler

Check if it has actually been installed, by running

gem list

And install the gems needed by the project

bundle install

The above command will install a gemset for a specific version of ruby, specified for the project in the .rvmrc file.


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