Category Archives: rails

Kaminari Paging and Zurb Foundation

I am using Kaminari paging gem and Zurb Foundation 5, and here is what I did to make them work together in HAML fashion:

If you generate the theme (it might not matter which one), for example:

rails g kaminari:views bootstrap

You can see all of the “machinery” in the viewskaminari folder. Here is my “hack” to get Foundations Pagination working with Kaminari:

I tweaked _paginator.html.haml to reflect the Foundation class on the %ul tag:

= paginator.render do

And I tweaked _page.html.haml to reflect Foundations current class (instead of Kaminari’s active class):

%li{class: "#{'current' if page.current?}"}

And then it just worked!

Kaminari and Foundation Paging

Kaminari and Foundation Paging

A Java Developer’s Switch to Rails

As I read this account of transitioning from Java EE to Ruby on Rails,”Java Web Apps to Rails, A Developer’s Experience,” I thought the following:

Regarding the lack of a good Ruby/Rails IDE:

When it was time to look at the code, I was a bit disappointed.  TextMate looked like a popular choice but it fell short in many ways.  I struggled to navigate the code, link the methods across files and follow the code. Grep was my only savior.

I am surprised he did not find RubyMine. JetBrains makes awesome IDEs (IntelliJ IDEA for Java, too). I have to admit at being very impressed that the underlying model of the ruby code within the RubyMine IDE is amazingly capable of giving you the same sort of features that it can for a “compiled,” or more type-centric language like Java.


Next he mentioned about learning the language…

My approach to learning Ruby was to start looking at code and figuring out pieces of syntax that did not make sense.  That turned out to be a bad idea. Constructs like “do |x| x+1” threw me off. … I found it very important to understand the motivation behind creating the new language.

There are some good books out there, and other resources…

Another comment rang true with me:

I found it very important to understand the motivation behind creating the new language.

More about the motivation behind Ruby… or at least, how I interpret things.

Ruby treats you like an adult. It doesn’t baby you, or hold your hand, or make you type all sorts of (obfuscating, in my opinion) fluff that a compiled language needs. Your code is more compact and obvious and “dense with meaning,” leading to less need for things like method return types and method parameter data types. Or semicolons.

However, I miss parameters list, curly braces, return statements, camel case naming conventions…

Be patient… soon you will grow weary of having to read all that extra stuff when you go back to Java. If you write well-formed classes, and very small, compact, and obvious methods, you don’t need the extra frills. You will run across the concept of “duck typing” which really means that classic C++/Java/C# style interfaces are not needed. If you create a method that expects a passed-in object to respond to a method call (e.g., “torque”), any object of any class will do — as long as it has that method call! And if you pass in an object that does not have that method, Rails will kindly throw an exception.

The concept of ‘open classes’ that allow developers to go in and change a base class sounds scary.

Go back to my opening statement. “Ruby treats you like an adult.” If you are naive, you can blow your code up and break stuff. If you do everything the Ruby way, you’ll be fine — because you will catch it with tests (right?). There are good rules of thumb for how and why and when you should consider adding to an existing class — or worse, monkey-patching. In Ruby you can actually alter the behavior of an existing method of an existing class. Do it poorly, and you will pay the price. And maybe not for a year or two. Mwahahahaha.

Ruby’s metaprogramming is incredibly powerful (even if the syntax takes a bit of getting used to).


Rails is incredibly opinionated about how the MVC code should look. It is basically a model-driven architecture approach. The framework expects the MVC stack to have a model, a view, and a controller for each domain concept. (As a long-time domain modeler, and UML guy, this is a real treat.) You can use the default rails generators (interesting when first starting, or for banging out a quick prototype), or write your own twist on a generator. Instead of focusing on the boring framework bits with repetitive, template-like code for each domain object, you can focus on quickly creating features that people want to use and pay for 🙂

Supporting Cast

Ruby on Rails has a great ecosystem of wonderfully talented folks providing 1000s of gems to do all sorts of useful things. For example:

The ecosystem of supporting tools is incredible. Some of my favorites:

These all make it so easy to “do the right thing” and write code with BDD/TDD to provide quality from the start.

Personally, my switch from J2EE to Rails (not to mention SQL to NoSQL/MongoDB) has been one of pure pleasure. The kinds of rich functionality and the ability to build stuff faster is imprerssive. I only wish I were better at writing kick-ass Ruby, Rails, CSS, Javascript, MongoDB…

Is it perfect? Of course not. There are other cool things to look at as well… Meteor, Node.js, MEAN, etc. So much to explore, so little time.

Back to my continuous learning!


Configuring MongoMapper Indexes in Rails App

Not quite sure where the best place is to define MongoDB indexes via MongoMapper in a Rails app… My progression has been:

  1. as part of the key definition in the model class
  2. in a rails initializer
  3. hybrid between initializer and model
  4. rake task invoking model methods

Define Indexes on the Keys

This works fine during development.

class Account
  include MongoMapper::Document
  # Attributes ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
  key :login, String, :unique => true, :index => true
  key :msid, String, :index => true
  key :doctor_num, String, :index => true

Define Indexes in an Initializer

When I wanted to trigger a new index creation, I would add it here. Only problem is that restarting a production server with tons of data gets held up by the create index task.

# Rails.root/config/initializers/mongo_config.rb

Define Indexes in a Class Method, Invoke in Initializer

A small tweak to putting indexes into an initializer was to place the knowledge of the indexes back into the model classes themselves. Then, all you needed to do was invoke the model class method to create it’s own indexes.

The Initializer Code

# Rails.root/config/initializers/mongo_config.rb

The Model(s) Code

class Setting
  include MongoMapper::Document
  # Attributes ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
  # What the user sees as a label
  key :label, String
  # How we reference it in code
  key :identifier, String, :required => true
  # Indexes :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
  def self.create_indexes
    self.ensure_index(:identifier, :unique => true)
    self.ensure_index(:label, :unique => true)

Enter the Rake!

Of course, you could also invoke the index creation code in a rake task, as pointed out here.

The beauty behind a rake task as best I can tell is this:

  • You can run it at any time to update the indexes
  • You do not bring a deploy to a screeching halt because you are waiting for index creation

I was already standardizing on how I was creating indexes inside each model class — where better to keep on top of what the indexes for a class should be than in the class itself!

# app/models/setting.rb
class Setting
  def self.create_indexes
    self.ensure_index(:identifier, :unique => true)
    self.ensure_index(:label, :unique => true)

I created a new class in the model directory (so that it is close to where the models are defined) that simply loops through each model class to generate the proper indexes:

# app/models/create_indexes.rb
class CreateIndexes
  def self.all
    puts "*"*15 + " GENERATING INDEXES" + "*"*15
    MongoMapper.database.collection_names.each do |coll|
      # Avoid "system.indexes"
      next if coll.index(".")

      model = coll.singularize.camelize.constantize
      model.create_indexes if model.respond_to?(:create_indexes)
      model.show_indexes if model.respond_to?(:show_indexes)

You can invoke it easily from the Rails console: CreateIndexes.all

Next I created a rake task (in lib/tasks/indexes.rake) that invoked the ruby code to do the indexing mojo.

namespace :db do
  namespace :mongo do
    desc "Create mongo_mapper indexes"
    task :index => :environment do

Any tips/comments/insights appreciated…

PS: self.show_indexes Mix-in

I created a mix-in for the “show_indexes()” class method for each model. I could not add it directly to the MongoMapper::Document class unfortunately — I ran into errors and finally gave up. Here’s the mix-in that I defined in lib/mongo_utils.rb:

module MongoMapper
  module IndexUtils
    puts "Customizing #{self.inspect}"
    module ClassMethods
      def show_indexes
        puts "%s #{} INDEXES %s" % ["*"*12, "*"*12]
        self.collection.index_information.collect do |index|
          puts "    #{index[0]}#{index[1].has_key?("unique") ? " (unique)":"x"}"
    def self.included(base)
      #puts "#{base} is being extended'"

And you use it as follows:

require 'mongo_mapper'
require 'mongo_utils'
class Setting
  include MongoMapper::Document
  include MongoMapper::IndexUtils

RVM Install Troubleshooting

All I wanted to do was sit down with Mike Hartl’s “Ruby on Rails 3 Tutorial” yesterday. Hours later, with nothing to show other than a zillion open terminals, I punted and watched the Flyers beat the Sabres despite playing like girls (I know, unfair to girls!). Then I went to bed.

So I must have had a dorked up installation of RVM or something, because when I tried to install Ruby 1.9.2 and Rails 3 and upgrade RVM I ran into <ahem> “issues.” I was getting weird errors like:

error installing rails i18n requires rubygems version 1.3.5
gem_runner.rb:85:in `<top (required)>': undefined method `load_plugins'

After exploring all sorts of similar woes that other people had and not really getting that magic googullet (Google Bullet), I decided to go all nuclear (apologies to Japanese readers). I was able to run:

rvm implode

Which made “rvm -v” fail to find rvm — a good thing. It meant I had uninstalled RVM. (Or so I thought!)

I also deleted the RVM stuff from the bash_profile file(s). Just to attempt to eliminate voodoo dolls.

But I still ran into stupid errors (stupid voodoo dolls!):

error installing RVM fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git

After much pain and suffering (well, only in a wimpy software relative sense), my guess is that I installed rvm as sudo at one point or installed the gem, or somehow had things “cross-eyed.” I don’t know…

I guess I should be more diligent, because in general you get spoiled by Ruby and gems and Rails and the general euphoria of how easy things are. Until they aren’t.

Today, I ended up fixing my system by looking for “rvm” on my system, and cleaning up leftovers. The crumbs from my sloppy eating at the trough of Ruby, I suppose.

I saw some directories holding rvm docs. I whacked them.

I saw some directories with rvm source, archives… Gone.

I uninstalled the rvm gem. (Oops. Who put that there?)

Finally, I retried the install:

jonsmac$ bash < <(curl -s

And added this to ~/.bash_profile And I restarted terminal because I always forget how to do that source ~/.bash_profile thing…

jonsmac2-2:~ jon$ rvm -v
rvm 1.6.2 by Wayne E. Seguin ( []

Shazam! No errors. Thanks Wayne!

Now I can get past page 15 in Mike’s tutorial book!

Class- and Field-Level Custom Validations

This is a simple example I put together for someone asking how this validation stuff works…
In this example, you can see field-level validation:

  • team must be chosen
  • name is required

And you can see a class/base-level validation:

  • at least one method of contact, a phone or an email:

Simple class example that employs some conditional validations and some regular validations:

class Registrant
  include MongoMapper::Document

  # Attributes ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
  key :name, String, :required => true
  key :email, String
  key :phone, String
  # Parent Info
  key :parent_name, String
  key :parent_email, String
  key :parent_phone, String
  key :street, String
  key :street2, String
  key :city, String
  key :state, String
  key :postal_code, String

  # Associations :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
  key :team_id, ObjectId
  belongs_to :team
  # Validations :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
  validate :validate_team_selection
  validate :validate_parent_contact_method
  validates_presence_of :parent_name, :street, :city, :state, :postal_code,
                                    :if => :parent_info_required?



  def parent_info_required?

  def validate_parent_contact_method
    # one or the other must be provided
    if parent_phone.empty? and parent_email.empty?
      errors.add_to_base("At least one form of contact must be entered for the parent: phone or email" )

  def validate_contact_method
    # one or the other must be provided
    if phone.empty? and email.empty?
      errors.add_to_base("At least one form of contact must be entered: phone or email" )

  def validate_team_selection
    if registration_setup.require_team_at_signup
      if team_id.nil?
        errors.add(:team, "must be selected" )

The above will result in always checking the name, the contacts, and the team assignment. It is actually pulled from a slightly more complex context in that a few conditionals exist to further complicate the validation logic. If you need checking only at certain points in the object life cycle, you can look to things like validate_on_create.

In the case of “Parent Info” being required, additional validations take place.

The “name” validation is a standard, out of the box field-level validation due to “:required => true” being added to the MongoMapper key.
