Category Archives: modeling

The Challenge of Naming

John Nunemaker wrote a very nice article on assorted tips that improved his code… One of which revolved around naming.

Regarding naming… I absolutely agree. It is worth arguing about. The more critical the class is to the system design, the more I might go to the mat and wrestle a good name to the ground. The decision on a name can be a fleeting event, but it will have everlasting impact. Think: Write Once, Read Many. Don’t screw it up for the rest of us!

For a C++ app for manufacturing (’95-98), I employed a very layered architecture. Portable business objects were sent to the thin client (no UI talking to DB crap allowed!). The paradigm of pick lists was commonplace… show me a list of parts. The list UI component merely needed a set of IDs and Names. So each domain class could basically implement the interface and they too could be tossed into a drop-down list. My clever name for this little device never grew past “IdString” — we kind of joked about it, because a better name never surfaced.

When I see something like “GaugeAttributeServiceWithCaching” in isolation, it is not as easy to unilaterally discuss a better name.

However, were this inside a basic system called “Gauge” and I saw a bunch of other classes prefixed with “Gauge” — I would throw a red flag.

BTW: My rules are strict for domain-y things, and less strict for utility classes, and lesser things.

I mostly dislike prefixes, postfixes, redundant things of any sort in a name — class or attribute. If I have to mentally strip off a prefix to get at the gist of what I am reading, then it should not be there in the first place.

For example (non-Ruby community, mostly):

  • column names prefixed by the table name (Table User; user_first, user_last)
  • public class attributes prefixed by an underscore (Class User; string _first, string _last)

I also raise an eyebrow and look more closely at any (domain) class ending in “er.” Yup. Try it. Look for some. They are usually “doing” things.

You can go too far in making “God” classes that have no properties of their own, are stuffed full of collaborators via the initializer, and wouldn’t know how to delegate if it hit them over the head. It’s the kind of “Manager” class (there’s that ‘er’) that — instead of asking (delegating) for it’s gauges to compute some stat, it gets all the data from the gauges and does the work for the gauges. Don’t be that guy!

Conversely, look for the boring data class. No methods, just accessor stuff. While it might be just fine, and there truly is no business logic for this class, I would look around just to be sure there are no over achiever “er” classes lurking in the dark alleys — ready to pimp the business logic for the data class.

Thanks for sharing, John!

Uncle Bob Challenges The Architecture of a Rails App

Uncle Bob has a very interesting keynote at the Ruby Midwest 2011 conference.

I developed apps with the fundamental architecture of the following (with dependencies only crossing one layer):

UI Layer
Business Object Layer
Data Mgt. Layer

Born from the one pattern that is king of the hill in my book: “Separation of Concerns.” The above was my architecture for all projects since the early 90s… C++, Java… but so far not so much in Rails.

I have thought about trying it, but not sure if it will pay off or not.

Essentially, it is about cleaving the rails model classes into two parts:

  1. Business Methods, attributes, business rules
  2. Persistence Methods, attributes, all knowledge of the DBMS details

In general, the UI deals with BOs, but sometimes we create dumb “Data Transfer Objects” that are lightweight versions of the business objects to be thrown about the system.

As a side note, in general, moving code to a more “object-oriented” state often ends up with the same lines of code. And often a bit more due to the boiler plate of creating additional classes.

In a current project, we have pulled out the business objects into a separate gem — but mostly because it needs to be used by our web app and by an eventmachine app.

The thing that shocked me the most about Rails, when Corey Haines introduced me to it in 2009, was that it was a lot like “Model Driven Architecture” that I had worked with for a few years. Given an architecture, a vertical slice thru the app, weave the model thru the architecture generator and out comes an application with a consistent architecture for the bulk of the app that is mostly the same (save for model/property names). Commercially, this MDA technology was a failure, last time I checked. Even though I thought it was the smartest way to develop apps, few others did. Except for Rails developers — largely because most rails devs probably have a very different mindset than other devs.

See blast from the past presentation here.

Though Bob pokes fun at Rails high-level directory structure as not revealing the business domain, I am totally fine with that. It’s a good thing. Yea, sure, it is revealing that it is an MVC style app designed to deliver web apps, so what? No matter which architecture is used, I look for the domain classes to tell me what the system is doing…

In my handful of rails apps to date, I have only used MongoDB and MongoMapper — and this is the closest I have gotten to the good old days of when I used the POET Object-oriented Database with C++ back in the late 90s. It is the closest I have been to nirvana. I basically *almost* don’t need to care that there even is a database…

One of these days, I’ll compare and contrast a Rails/MongoMapper app with and without Business Objects separated from Data Management classes.

Design Debates

many times there are two (or more) seemingly viable approaches that people can be arguing for…

when in doubt, sketch it out… that is,

  • quick model diagrams, or
  • quick sequence diagrams,
  • compare and contrast

now let’s (hopefully continue to) presume this is about an exceedingly critical aspect, a make-or-break design decision. because surely, you aren’t spending precious project resources deciding whether or not to use 2 or 4 spaces per indent level!

so, if sketching out the ideas and comparing still did not reveal a clear winner, then code up the competing ideas and put them to the test. give the designs a day or two of effort, or more — in proportion to the critical nature of getting the decision right. then, have some a priori metrics by which to pick the winner via “testing” the designs.

  • better performance
  • less code
  • easier to grok
  • suitability to task
  • etc

and if you still can’t choose a clear winner, well, man-up, be a leader, and make a freaking decision (even if it is flipping a coin), and don’t look back.

Do I Still Do Domain Modeling?

Got a very nice “blast from the past” contact (4 levels deep) on LinkedIn. Scott was a member of a team where we went through object modeling for their business application.

The reason I wanted to contact you was two fold:

First for some reason that training has stuck with me more that many trainings and I still go back to the cobweb section of my brain and bring it out every time I have a object modeling task, so thanks you did a good job helping me.  This is true for many of the people that were there.

Second as I have been given another task of modeling a large system from scratch I was wondering  about how you feel about the Domain-Neutral model that was presented in the training you did for us.  I have found it useful over the years but do you still use this model in anything that you design this many years in the future?

Thanks for the help.

And yes, I still do domain modeling the basic way that we did 11 years ago (gulp). I only have my old copy of Together anymore, so I am stuck back in time there. In person, I always use post-it notes, flip-charts, and markers. Once I want to make a computer version, I’ll use different tools for modeling depending on the need. For example, UMLet is a great little simple tool to bang out a quick diagram in no time flat and that can be used by anybody.

Another good approach from what we went through 10 years ago, is to follow the color modeling order to help in the discovery process… that is focusing on the following as you walk through the assorted primary user scenarios:

  1. First trying to discover what time-sensitive aspects does the business care about most (the pinks)
  2. Then looking towards the roles that may be at play there (yellows).
  3. Are there any specific things (like contracts, purchase orders — greens)?
  4. And finally, any descriptive elements (blues) to go alongside the greens?

For the past 18 months, I am in major love with Ruby, Rails, and MongoDB — plus all of the surrounding tools and community (see my recent blog posts). Ruby the object-oriented language I wanted when I was doing C++, and MongoDB/MongoMapper is the OO-like DBMS that I always wanted. Putting it all together makes for real productive, high-quality, consistent development — I can quickly model out domain things and try them in a working application.

I’ve never done an adequate job of explaining how I like to approach doing just-enough design up front, but you can find a few snippets here:

Some tips that I find useful when doing initial up-front Domain Modeling (what you are about to do):

  • Spend time with subject matter experts and the business/product owners
  • Build out as you gather high-level features
  • Do breadth first, then depth
  • Only go into details when it will help reduce an unacceptable level of risk

That last bullet is key. I like to do just enough up-front work to please the stakeholders and myself that we can answer the question about: how much? and when? to the level of desired specificity. When you attempt a high-level estimate at a given feature, and it is too big for your comfort, then you can get more detail and break it down further so that it becomes acceptable.

If you do not do enough up front, and your estimate is off by an order of magnitude or three, you might upset the client!

On the flipside, if you do too much up front (detailed modeling), then you risk not getting frequent, tangible, working results into the hands of the client soon enough.

It’s a big balancing act.

MongoMapper Query Overview

There was a question on the MongoMapper Google Group from a Mongoid user about how MongoMapper handles associations. Brandon was surprised that this query returned an Array:


Let’s break it down, one bit at a time and clear things up:

# This would be an instance of Product
Product.first # Class.

This simply gets the first element in the Array that is returned by the default “All” query on Product. Of course, without sorting, you probably would not want to do this.

# This would be a return value of an array, assuming Product <>----> * Release
Product.first.releases # Array.

In Brandon’s example, I assume “releases” is a many association. That means, an Array. Unless the association has been tweaked to have default sorting via an Association Extension, getting the “first” one might be adventurous.

# This doesn't change the above... merely adds a restrictive query clause
Product.first.releases.where(something) # Array.

Here we simply get the first element of the releases array, narrowed down by the “something” query.


I am not sure why, but for me it seems more logical to start my clauses with the where, and narrow them down further, or modify them… In MongoMapper, I find querying rigor is much more “loose” than say a SQL SELECT query that requires things in proper order… I would tend to write my queries in more or less this fashion:

ModelClass.where(some criteria).[sort | order | another where clause | fields | limit].[all | first | paginate]

In addition, it is important to note that MongoMapper returns a query and does not actually perform the query until you add something that needs the results. For example: all, first, paginate, sort, etc.

I can picture one of those “man page” or SQL style of fancy ways to show you how you can construct a mongomapper query given all the combinations of options for each “position” in the query…

My (unsolicited) advice is to make the query look as “natural” as possible in terms of how you might read it aloud.

Product.releases.where( => 1).sort(:minor.desc).first # Get the latest 1.x release

(And, if the releases where clause query is common, you can create an Association Extension)

Use the Console

You can always just output the queries to the console:

>> Patient.where(:last_name=>/john/i).class
=> Plucky::Query
>> Patient.where(:last_name=>/john/i).all.class
=> Array
>> Patient.where(:last_name=>/john/i).all.count
=> 1
>> Patient.where(:last_name=>/john/i).first.class
=> Patient
>> Patient.sort(:created_at.desc).first.class
=> Patient

Association Extension

And to show an example of an extension (when you use it frequently, for example):

class Encounter
  include MongoMapper::Document
  # Associations :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
  many :events, :limit => 30, :order => 'msg_timestamp desc' do
    def images
      where(:type => [EventConstants::EventType.to_text(EventConstants::EventType::IMAGE)]).order(:created_at.desc).all

    def charts
      where(:type => [EventConstants::EventType.to_text(EventConstants::EventType::ED_SUMMARY)],
   => ["P", "F"]).order(:created_at.desc).all

    def admits
      all(:type => [EventConstants::EventType.to_text(EventConstants::EventType::ADMIT)])

# For a given encounter
=> 7
=> Array
=> #

Named Scope

If you will need dynamic querying, you could use a Named Scope as follows:

scope :by_days_old,  lambda { |age| where( => age.days.ago) }

This can be used as follows:

=> #Fri Apr 15 03:35:53 UTC 2011}>

Multiple Many-to-Many Associations in MongoMapper

There was a question in the Google Group for MongoMapper, so I decided to post an answer in the form of a simple demo. You can find the source code on here.

The basic shape of the problem was this:

Users Sponsor and Attend Events

Users Sponsor and Attend Events

And the solution issues were around the multiple many-to-many associations, more or less.

For a simple one-to-many, MongoMapper has the normal:

  • User has many :events
  • Event belongs_to :user (its Owner)

But how to do the other associations? A given User can be involved with many events in different capacities:

  • Attending
  • Interested in attending
  • Likes

There are different ways to tackle these many-to-many associations.

  1. You can use a Set (to obtain the uniqueness factor) of Users that are attending or are interested.
  2. You can use an Array of instance IDs (I think this is probably the more standard technique)
class Event
  include MongoMapper::Document

  key :title, :required => true

  key :user_id
  belongs_to :user

  # One way to do it...
  key :attendees, Set
  key :interested, Set

  # Another way to do it...
  key :like_ids, Array
  many :likes, :class_name => 'User', :in => :like_ids

  def attending(a_user)
    # self.push_uniq(:attendees =>
    attendees <<

  def interested_in(a_user)
    interested <<

In which direction you allow making the association, that is up to your application’s needs. For example, above you can see that an Event instance could be messaged with the user to indicate attending or interested_in. The “likes” is immediately accessible from an Event, or I could have added a wrapper method (def likes(a_user)).

And the User class has some simple retrieval methods to see what a User likes, what they are attending, and what they are interested_in:

class User
  include MongoMapper::Document

  key :name, :required => true

  many :events

  def likes
    Event.where(:like_ids => id).all

  def attending
    Event.where(:attendees => id).all

  def interested_in
    Event.where(:interested => id).all

  def likes_event(event)
    event.likes << self!

To see how the different styles are used, you can check out the specs. For example:

Adding users who like an Event:

  it "should track interested" do
    expect {
    }.to change {@event.interested.size}.by(2)

it "should allow 'likes'" do
    expect {
      @event_2.likes << @martha
    }.to change {@event_2.likes.size}.by(1)

Or from the User perspective:

  it "should allow me to add an event I like" do
    @event_2.likes.size.should > 0
    @fred.likes.count.should > 0

Or attendees, from the Event:

  it "should list the events I am attending" do
    [@fred, @harry].each {|u| @event.attending(u)}
    @fred.attending.count.should > 0