Tag Archives: scopes

MongoMapper Query Overview

There was a question on the MongoMapper Google Group from a Mongoid user about how MongoMapper handles associations. Brandon was surprised that this query returned an Array:


Let’s break it down, one bit at a time and clear things up:

# This would be an instance of Product
Product.first # Class.

This simply gets the first element in the Array that is returned by the default “All” query on Product. Of course, without sorting, you probably would not want to do this.

# This would be a return value of an array, assuming Product <>----> * Release
Product.first.releases # Array.

In Brandon’s example, I assume “releases” is a many association. That means, an Array. Unless the association has been tweaked to have default sorting via an Association Extension, getting the “first” one might be adventurous.

# This doesn't change the above... merely adds a restrictive query clause
Product.first.releases.where(something) # Array.

Here we simply get the first element of the releases array, narrowed down by the “something” query.


I am not sure why, but for me it seems more logical to start my clauses with the where, and narrow them down further, or modify them… In MongoMapper, I find querying rigor is much more “loose” than say a SQL SELECT query that requires things in proper order… I would tend to write my queries in more or less this fashion:

ModelClass.where(some criteria).[sort | order | another where clause | fields | limit].[all | first | paginate]

In addition, it is important to note that MongoMapper returns a query and does not actually perform the query until you add something that needs the results. For example: all, first, paginate, sort, etc.

I can picture one of those “man page” or SQL style of fancy ways to show you how you can construct a mongomapper query given all the combinations of options for each “position” in the query…

My (unsolicited) advice is to make the query look as “natural” as possible in terms of how you might read it aloud.

Product.releases.where(:major.gt => 1).sort(:minor.desc).first # Get the latest 1.x release

(And, if the releases where clause query is common, you can create an Association Extension)

Use the Console

You can always just output the queries to the console:

>> Patient.where(:last_name=>/john/i).class
=> Plucky::Query
>> Patient.where(:last_name=>/john/i).all.class
=> Array
>> Patient.where(:last_name=>/john/i).all.count
=> 1
>> Patient.where(:last_name=>/john/i).first.class
=> Patient
>> Patient.sort(:created_at.desc).first.class
=> Patient

Association Extension

And to show an example of an extension (when you use it frequently, for example):

class Encounter
  include MongoMapper::Document
  # Associations :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
  many :events, :limit => 30, :order => 'msg_timestamp desc' do
    def images
      where(:type => [EventConstants::EventType.to_text(EventConstants::EventType::IMAGE)]).order(:created_at.desc).all

    def charts
      where(:type => [EventConstants::EventType.to_text(EventConstants::EventType::ED_SUMMARY)],
            :file_version.in => ["P", "F"]).order(:created_at.desc).all

    def admits
      all(:type => [EventConstants::EventType.to_text(EventConstants::EventType::ADMIT)])

# For a given encounter
>> enc.events.images.count
=> 7
>> enc.events.images.class
=> Array
>> enc.events.images.first
=> #

Named Scope

If you will need dynamic querying, you could use a Named Scope as follows:

scope :by_days_old,  lambda { |age| where(:msg_timestamp.gt => age.days.ago) }

This can be used as follows:

=> #Fri Apr 15 03:35:53 UTC 2011}>