Software Driver’s License

I thought of something whilst driving the other day…

A USA Drivers License is a lot like a Scrum Certificate. Basically anyone can get one with only a smattering of studying and a r-e-a-l-l-y trivial practical exam.

When people need to hire someone that can drive, they check that the cert exists (ok, I know there are commercial driver’s licenses which are ostensibly harder than what we get as normal drivers).

It doesn’t mean that they are great drivers. It doesn’t even mean that they can be trusted with much of anything. It is what it is. A simple certificate acknowledging that they passed a simple test.

So, is the issue that some hiring folks put too much emphasis on ensuring something as trivial and basic as a drivers license, when the job is indeed far more complex and nuanced than merely knowing the basics about driving?

Sounds to me like a clear signal to stay away from said company that puts undue emphasis on something trivial. That is, unless you want to work in that sort of environment.


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